Many IBEW retirees stay in Alaska. Some of them meet on a regular basis to talk about old times and school the younger members on the history of the brotherhood and sisterhood. Please consider attending a retiree meeting in your area.
The Anchorage retirees meet at 1 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month at the Anchorage Hall, 3333 Denali Street. They meet January through May and September through December. For more information contact Laura Bonner at 907-242-4875.
Fairbanks retirees meet at 1:30pm on the 4th Wednesday at the Fairbanks Hall, 2000 Airport Road. For more info email
Juneau retirees meet at 1 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month at the Juneau Hall, 813 W. 12th. They meet January through May and September through December. For more information contact Nona Dimond at 907-586-3050.